10 events found.
private event
LOWER LEVEL – “Berlin resident Family B-day Party”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesMAIN HALL + LOWER LEVEL w Full Kitchen “Pvt Event”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesLOWER LEVEL–private family celebration
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesReserved
LOWER LEVEL–private family celebration
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesReserved
LOWER LEVEL – “Gathering of Community Volunteers”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesLOWER LEVEL – “Family Gathering”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesLOWER LEVEL–private event
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesThis is a private gathering, in the Lower Level of the Grange Hall.
LOWER LEVEL – noon-5pm “baby shower”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesLOWER LEVEL + Kitchen – 11:45-4:30ish
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesMAIn HALL – “Baby Shower”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesBerlin Residents