Grange Notes by Tim Swartz for September 15, 2017
It’s true! Les has been a Granger for 75 years!
We are going to celebrate this epic anniversary to surprise him, so don’t send out the info. I’ll be sending him a special edition of these notes, so he won’t feel anything is missing. Bring your best wishes, and goodies–we’ll have a festive potluck dinner after the meeting! And yes, there will be cake!
Also for the meeting, bring your singing voice as we singalong with Mat Nunnelly, our Grange Musician, on the piano–and we can legally sing Happy Birthday to Les now, too!
Everyone should know that Les was a huge part of keeping the CCG going, as Master for close to 20 years, as well as managing the finances as the “shadow Treasurer”, and then as Treasurer after I started trying to fill his large shoes in 2006. Les invited the contra dance community and the other renters to join in helping the Grange maintain the building, and ultimately to join the Grange itself. And he showed us that it is fun to be Grangers! We would not be where we are today without his leadership and tenacity.
Of course, neither Les nor the Grange would not have been able to do it without Phyllis doing all the things she has done, so like most Grange things, it is a team effort
Come help us celebrate!
Also for the meeting, bring your singing voice as we singalong with Mat Nunnelly, our Grange Musician, on the piano–and we can legally sing Happy Birthday to Les now, too!
Everyone should know that Les was a huge part of keeping the CCG going, as Master for close to 20 years, as well as managing the finances as the “shadow Treasurer”, and then as Treasurer after I started trying to fill his large shoes in 2006. Les invited the contra dance community and the other renters to join in helping the Grange maintain the building, and ultimately to join the Grange itself. And he showed us that it is fun to be Grangers! We would not be where we are today without his leadership and tenacity.
Of course, neither Les nor the Grange would not have been able to do it without Phyllis doing all the things she has done, so like most Grange things, it is a team effort
Come help us celebrate!

CCG shares the fun at the Grange Center
We had a great time on Saturday evening, sharing the dancing that distinguishes our Grange, with a number of other Grange members. Many thanks to Matt Rolland and Bill Hulstrunk, who joined Merry and methere, and helped everyone who wanted to give it a try. We had to do some cheerleading and encouraging to get a few of the Grangers onto the floor–but we had lots of smiles once we did.
Of course, we couldn’t have a dance without a caller, David Kreiss-Tomkins, plus a band: Robin Russell on the accordion, Mike Fiorillo on the guitar and Emily Bartlett on the fiddle. And they couldn’t have had a dance without us dancing. We enjoyed the simple dances David picked out, and his positive teaching style which brought people into the dances. The band played the kind of relaxed music that makes it easy to dance, too. If you haven’t had the opportunity to be part of a community dance, you’ll enjoy it too.
Our Grange audience and dancers showed their appreciation with lots of comments and applause–many of them have done some dancing, including square dancing, so it was easy to get them started.
We also got to see the prizes awarded for the cast-iron frying pan throwing contest, and the rolling pin throwing contest–don’t be surprised if you see them showing up at a “CCG Field Days” sometime.
Of course, we couldn’t have a dance without a caller, David Kreiss-Tomkins, plus a band: Robin Russell on the accordion, Mike Fiorillo on the guitar and Emily Bartlett on the fiddle. And they couldn’t have had a dance without us dancing. We enjoyed the simple dances David picked out, and his positive teaching style which brought people into the dances. The band played the kind of relaxed music that makes it easy to dance, too. If you haven’t had the opportunity to be part of a community dance, you’ll enjoy it too.
Our Grange audience and dancers showed their appreciation with lots of comments and applause–many of them have done some dancing, including square dancing, so it was easy to get them started.
We also got to see the prizes awarded for the cast-iron frying pan throwing contest, and the rolling pin throwing contest–don’t be surprised if you see them showing up at a “CCG Field Days” sometime.
Rocking the Grange–come to our Sept. 16 meeting, this Saturday to find out more
Our Fall season of Grange meetings starts tomorrow, at 4:30 PM. We’ll find out what has gone on all summer, and what the plans are for the next few months. Among those things are more landscaping around our main entrance, and decisions about the next big project the Friends will take on–informed by the feedback which the FCCGH has been getting, at the Challenge Fundraiser and afterward.
Also coming up this fall is the VT State Session, on the 3rd weekend in October. At our meeting on Saturday, we’ll be starting to talk about the Resolutions which are to be discussed and voted on–and the Resolution we voted to propose in June is #1 in the booklet!
Our Resolution wants the State Grange to support a bill co-sponsored by Senator Patrick Leahy, to provide a legal status for agricultural workers who are year-round immigrants working in the US.
There are lots more to discuss–join us to learn more! The meeting starts at 4:30–and then there will be the famous Grange community Potluck dinner, starting at6:00. Join us to eat more, too!
Also coming up this fall is the VT State Session, on the 3rd weekend in October. At our meeting on Saturday, we’ll be starting to talk about the Resolutions which are to be discussed and voted on–and the Resolution we voted to propose in June is #1 in the booklet!
Our Resolution wants the State Grange to support a bill co-sponsored by Senator Patrick Leahy, to provide a legal status for agricultural workers who are year-round immigrants working in the US.
There are lots more to discuss–join us to learn more! The meeting starts at 4:30–and then there will be the famous Grange community Potluck dinner, starting at6:00. Join us to eat more, too!