Grange Notes by Tim Swartz, Grange President (with everyone’s help), April 3, 2020
Two ways to join the discussion:
On your computer: Click this link:
This will open a very simple form; enter your name and your email, and click the blue “Register” button on the bottom. You’ll get a “You’re Registered” page, where you can click “Join the Webinar” at 5:00 to take part in the program, or at 4:30 to take part in a brief Grange Meeting before we start the program.
With your computer, you’ll be able to see everyone who has a webcam going! And Jeremy Hansen, who will be moderating, can see who is raising their hands to ask a question.
On your phone: On Saturday, use this phone #: 1 (877) 309 2071–it’s toll free. When you’re prompted, enter this “Access code” or “Meeting ID”: 581-606-484
On your phone, you’ll hear all the audio, and can take part in the discussion. Jeremy will have to figure out how to keep track of who wants to talk!
Saturday’s “virtual” Grange meeting (at 4:30) and Dr. Marvin Malek (from 5:00 to 6:00)
The Grange Hall is closed down, like so many other things, but we can still be “in touch” without actual touching, or risk of contagion. Thanks to Jeremy Hansen, we can use “GoToMeeting” to convene an electronic get-together.
Following the instructions above, please join us–via computer, smart-phone, tablet or other device. We’ll have a brief discussion of where the Grange is at in this strange time–financially and personally–followed at 5:00 by a 15-20 minute presentation by Dr. Marvin Malek, about “The Value of a National Health Care Program in the Face of a Pandemic“.
Dr. Malek, who has been actively advocating for a single-payer, national health care system since 1988, and is a practicing family physician in Ludlow VT will share his perspective, and then take questions from virtual attendees. We have been talking about this issue at the Grange for over 10 years. What is the Covid-19 pandemic showing about how our current “health care system” functions? What changes should we make to improve it? There’s lots to think about and discuss, we hope that you will join us.
Pandemic makes changes in Grange rules
Due to the CDC recommendations–and common sense–the National Grange has been sending out info on what Grangers should be doing. They are recommending virtual meetings, and maintaining social distance. This is just what we are choosing. It is now OK for meetings to be held virtually; the requirement for meeting in person is not going to be enforced.
The 2020 “Theme for the Grange” is “Cultivating Connections”–and as National President Betsy Huber says, in these times, we just need to think of other ways to keep connected–to the Grange, to our friends, our families and our communities. Using technology as we are doing for this Grange meeting and program is a great example, and one which many of us are having to get used to.
For the sake of all of us, “Stay Safe, Stay at Home”, but also “Cultivate Connections” so we come out of this unpleasant physical isolation an even stronger community.