Grange Notes for September 13, 2018 by Tim Swartz, Grange President (with everyone’s help)
Rocky II
Do you remember how the Main Entrance on the northeast corner of the Grange Hall looked, before the landscaping project? Take a look at Before and After photos below:
Now it’s time to complete the work, by making planting beds on the other side of the entrance stairs. We have the rocks, and the landscape fabric, and we’re getting some soil delivered, now all we need is you! On Saturday, Sept. 23rd, starting at 1:00 PM!
As they did last year, Gerold & Carol Noyes are helping out–Carol is doing planting design, donating and purchasing perennials, and Gerold will bring his Kubota tractor to move rocks. We need a couple of volunteers to help fine-tune the rocks, help with shoveling soil and (we hope) planting by the end of the afternoon! We also have a new exterior faucet to help us water plants more easily.
Please contact Merry: to volunteer. There’s weeding and other work that can be done in the flower beds around the Old Entrance as well, if we get a few extra volunteers, so don’t hold back! Now that it’s not so hot, it should be a fun afternoon.
As they did last year, Gerold & Carol Noyes are helping out–Carol is doing planting design, donating and purchasing perennials, and Gerold will bring his Kubota tractor to move rocks. We need a couple of volunteers to help fine-tune the rocks, help with shoveling soil and (we hope) planting by the end of the afternoon! We also have a new exterior faucet to help us water plants more easily.
Please contact Merry: to volunteer. There’s weeding and other work that can be done in the flower beds around the Old Entrance as well, if we get a few extra volunteers, so don’t hold back! Now that it’s not so hot, it should be a fun afternoon.
Dancing at the Fall Festival
We had plenty of fun last year, bringing some community/contra/waltz dancing to the people who came to the VT State Grange’s annual Fall Festival. So we got invited back!
Dana Dwinell-Yardley, who has been calling around Vermont for family dances and dance series events, was happy to commit early on.
VT music legend Pete Sutherland introduced me to two young musicians who play in the Young Traditions VT touring group, with whom he works. Alexander Allison, fidder and Sebastiaan West, piano & keyboard player played, along with Robin Russell on the accordion, and Carl Ellis on harmonicas.
Grange members of all ages joined in the dancing, and had a great time. In the photo below, you can’t see the 7-year old who was among the enthusiasts, unfortunately!
Dana Dwinell-Yardley, who has been calling around Vermont for family dances and dance series events, was happy to commit early on.
VT music legend Pete Sutherland introduced me to two young musicians who play in the Young Traditions VT touring group, with whom he works. Alexander Allison, fidder and Sebastiaan West, piano & keyboard player played, along with Robin Russell on the accordion, and Carl Ellis on harmonicas.
Grange members of all ages joined in the dancing, and had a great time. In the photo below, you can’t see the 7-year old who was among the enthusiasts, unfortunately!
Grange Meetings start up this Saturday September 15th
We begin our fall Grange meetings on this coming Saturday, at 4:30 PM. We’re meeting on the 3rd Saturday, since Labor Day weekend was so busy–including the Challenge Fundraiser dance that raised almost $4,000 for the Friends.
We’ll get chance to go over the work that was done on the Hall over the summer, the denial of the FCCGH grant application, and plans to do smaller scale projects instead to keep the momentum going. We’ll be talking about how and whether we can streamline the meetings to make them more productive and inviting, and ways to involve more of the Grange users in the Grange and the running of the Hall. With all of that, we won’t have a formal “program”, but we will end up with…
We’ll get chance to go over the work that was done on the Hall over the summer, the denial of the FCCGH grant application, and plans to do smaller scale projects instead to keep the momentum going. We’ll be talking about how and whether we can streamline the meetings to make them more productive and inviting, and ways to involve more of the Grange users in the Grange and the running of the Hall. With all of that, we won’t have a formal “program”, but we will end up with…
Grange Potluck–6:00 PM
We’ll be starting up our series of monthly potluck dinners following the Grange meeting on Sept. 15th. We know there is lots of garden produce out there, eager to come to the dinner and show off the gardening and cooking skills of the Grange community.