6-8:30 LOWER LEVEL “Partridge Farm Condo Assoc”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesRESUMED! MAIN HALL “Barre Tones rehearsal”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesWe love to sing and rehearse weekly, striving always for musical excellence in the company of women who share our passion for music. We celebrate friendship and personal growth through […]
RESUMED: “West African Dance”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesWest African dance classes--open to all! For more information, contact Tossy Garrett--contact info below. Join this friendly group of dancers and move to the infectious rhythms of live drumming. Anyone […]
5-9pm MAIN HALL “VT Fiddle Orchestra”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesFor more information about participating in this dynamic group of amateur players of traditional music, please see https://vermontfiddleorchestra.org
Relocated! 6-9pm MAIN HALL “UCM Choir rehearsal”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesRehearsals are resumed at the UCM in Montpelier.
LOWER LEVEL rehearsal
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesGrange member music ensemble rehearsal. NOTE: It may be possible for this event to be moved, if another event needs to be scheduled. Contact Merry Shernock, Grange Rental Agent […]
Montpelier Church of Christ Bible Study & Worship Service
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesFor more information, please see the Church's website: https://montpelierchurchofchrist.com/ Bible Study: 9:00 AM Worship Service: 10:00 AM
LOWER LEVEL “Monthly Potluck”–Montpelier Church of Christ
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesFor more information, please see the Church's website: https://montpelierchurchofchrist.com/ Montpelier Church of Christ
Fan/Filter box-building work party–Main Hall
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesAssembly of more Corsi-Rosenthal air-filtering boxes
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesANR Central Office Leadership Retreat