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Event Series:
MAIN HALL Grange Meeting 4:30 to 5:00–setup at 4:00
MAIN HALL Grange Meeting 4:30 to 6:00–setup at 4:00
February 3 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
This month, we’ll talk about “How our Grange Operates”.
Instead of an outside speaker presenting a “program” on this even-numbered month, our Grange meeting will be about the actual tasks that need to happen to keep our Grange going, and the Hall in good shape.
There are a lot of specific, routine–and not-so-routine–tasks that need to happen. Who is doing these? Which ones aren’t being taken care of? What can we do to set up better systems? Patty Giavara and Tim Swartz have been compiling a spreadsheet to try to capture what actually goes on. We’ll be looking at what else needs to be shown, and who is taking responsibility.
Please join us to make our Grange work even better!
All Grange meetings and events are free and open to the public; only Grange members can vote on any decisions that we take, but all are welcome to listen to and take part in discussions.
Join us in person, or via Zoom!
In person, masks are optional. If you don’t feel well, particularly if you have COVID-like symptoms, please stay home and join us via Zoom
Zoom link for this meeting:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 88911940231?pwd= Umcrc2JQRG02Q2xxZVZ3b3hyT0dOQT 09
Meeting ID: 889 1194 0231
Passcode: 151069