Grange Notes by Tim Swartz, Grange President (with everyone’s help), May 27, 2021
Our “arboristas” have productive fun!
We were able to take down over a dozen trees–all relatively small–which were leeeeaaaaning way into the parking area, plus one beside the driveway. These trees were looking for light in the open space, of course. Taking these down, plus cutting some overhanging branches removed some potential hazards, and will keep our parking area open. Between Matt’s gas chainsaw and pole saws, and Ellen’s electric one, the trees were cut into manageable pieces, and hauled into the woods.
Afterward, several of us stuck around and had a nice time hanging out and sharing stories–very enjoyable after our “lost year”. I hope others will show up and share equally good times, when we figure out a day for a Grange Hall cleanup!
Many thanks to our diligent crew, sorry I didn’t get everyone’s picture!
Thanks to the Grange members who passed the Resolution on Card Check for unions!
Later that same day, a core group of Grange members assembled via Zoom, and unanimously passed the Resolution supporting legislation which makes it possible for workers in public sector employment to organize a union local by getting a majority to sign a petition stating their desire to bargain collectively. This has been sent on to the Heart of Vermont Pomona Grange, and should then make its way to be considered at the State Grange Session in October. Thanks to Patty, Liz, Carl, Alison, Erin and Merry for taking the time to get this taken care of!
Fresh Air…it’s not just a show on NPR!
We also need more fresh air in the Grange Hall, especially as we are trying to improve ventilation in this age of viruses. Building on advice that I got from the HVAC expert at the Tapestry Folk Dance Center in Minneapolis, Bill Hulstrunk (in the picture on the left) and I were able to install a duct with dampers (in the picture on the right), which will allow a controlled amount of outside air into the return air plenum of our furnace. By setting the furnace fan to turn on while the building is occupied, and running the exhaust fans above the stage, we can increase the “air changes per hour”. There’s more to be done, watch for updates–and if you have HVAC experience and want to help out, get in touch with me:
Feeeeebeeee! Expect to hear that name…
So we will have a “plain” Grange meeting from 5 to 6, with time for planning for our Champlain Valley Fair display in the State Grange exhibit area, and we will follow it up with the first post-pandemic Potluck Dinner! All are welcome, even if you haven’t joined us for the Grange meeting. We’ll put out plenty of serving utensils so they don’t have to be handled too many times, and we’ll eat on the ADA entrance porch unless the weather is bad. Bring your favorite dish to share, and we’ll enjoy each others’ company! I know I’m even more aware of the value of socializing–and I love eating other people’s cooking!
Put it on your calendars!