Grange Notes by Tim Swartz January 15, 2016
So should we change our name to “Berlin Community Grange #469“? That’s what we’ll be talking about at our Grange meeting this Saturday.
We have been campaigning for an exemption from property taxes from the Town of Berlin. In fact, Merry Shernock has just delivered 112 signatures on petitions to get our motion on the ballot. As we have been talking with Berlin residents about this, several have already brought up this question, in one form or another: “how come your name is ‘Capital City Grange’, if you want Berlin to support you, and to be a ‘community hall’ for the town?”
So changing the name of our Grange would be a logical step to seeming more like a Berlin institution, not a Montpelier one.
We also will need to think about potential down-sides–will this interfere with our long identification with the “Montpelier Contra Dance” series, and the new “Montpelier Contra Exchange series”? Would we need to mount a publicity campaign to ease this change?
Please join us this Saturday, Jan. 16th at the Grange Hall starting at 4:30 to discuss all of these questions–it will take a vote of the Grange members present to start this process!
Charles Martin, Secretary
639 Minister Brook Rd.
Worcester VT 05682
Erin will be joining us for the Grange meeting on Saturday to describe for everyone (with pictures!) how it has worked, and to discuss her plans for replicating the project here. Come join us to discuss further!