New volunteer Rental Manager and rental phone number for the Grange
We are making a transfer from Jody Pettersen, who has very ably managed all the rentals of the Hall for about the last 8 years. Jody has done a great job, and she’s ready to pass the torch. We’re very lucky that Merry Shernock has volunteered to step into her very large shoes!
As part of this change-over, and along with putting up the new sign, we’re changing the contact info for the rentals. Merry is setting up the Grange’s existing phone number–802-229-9425–to be connected to “GoogleVoice” answering/forwarding service. This will forward every voicemail left to Merry’s phone, plus sending an email to her alerting her to the message. This way, she can monitor the contacts from anywhere.
Merry is looking for collaborators on rental policy and contacts–we all need help and input. If you want to help the Grange with an important part of our survival, please contact Merry–soon, you can leave a message on the Grange phone number to reach her!