MAIN HALL & CAFETERIA 0900-4pm “Vocal Workshops”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesBarre Tones all-day workshops.
Contra Dance: Bill Olson calling to Atlantic Crossing
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesMAIN HALL & Cafeteria 2-5pm “4-H Annual Celebration of Achievement”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United Statesfor more information: Allison Smith 4-H Educator for Washington & Orange Counties UVM Extension 327 US Route 302, Suite 1 Barre, Vermont 05641 P: 802-476-2003 x 205 or 866-860-1382, Fax: 802-476-2006
TAICHI – MAIN HALL & Kitchen/Cafeteria 0830-5pm
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesEllie Hays will lead a participatory 2-day workshop "primarily for seniors and others who may have economic, mobility or cognitive challenges." Cosponsored by CVCOA. Please stay tuned for details. Contact Ellie for details:
TAICHI – MAIN HALL & Kitchen/Cafeteria 0830-5pm
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesEllie Hays will lead a participatory 2-day workshop "primarily for seniors and others who may have economic, mobility or cognitive challenges." Cosponsored by CVCOA. Please stay tuned for details. Contact Ellie for details:
0900-11:30 am MAIN HALL “HeadStart Families”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United States6-8 pm MAIN HALL “Westons MHP Coop Bd”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United Statesresidents of Westons moving forward with their options
11am-5pm MAIN HALL& KITCHEN “Family Celebration”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United Statesprivate event
Monthly Grange meeting–4:30 to about 6:00 PM
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesMembers and the public are invited to join us to democratically hash out the business of running the Grange attached to this fine hall! Topics include our service to our community as well as the maintenance of the building. The Order of the meeting includes lovely 19th century prose. A program of topical interest follows […]