0800-1230 MAIN HALL “Healthy Communities”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesThis interagency meeting/training is co sponsored by VT Agency of Human Services Field Service Directors + Central VT Community Action Partnership (which includes CAPSTONE). For details, please contact Rick Castillo […]
MAIN HALL 6-8pm “Westons ROC Bd Mtg”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United States11-3pm MAIN HALL & Kitchen/Cafeteria “Office Holiday Party’
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesWatershed Investment Div VT Dept Environmental Conservation
4:30-5pm MAIN HALL: Grange meeting–executive session
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesWe will hold our bimonthly, non-ritualized Grange meeting from 4:30 to 5:00. We'll go over the finances, Grange policies and whatever else needs discussion. We'll fit in a couple of […]
5:00 to 6:00 MAIN HALL: Are you ready for the….”Food Waste Ban”? and other trashy topics
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesStarting in July, 2020, all food waste will be banned from all Vermont residential trash. That means, we will all need to figure out what to do with eggshells, coffee […]
Contra Dance: Dugan Murphy calling to Moving Violations
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesCalling Larks and Ravens Montpelier Contra Dance Facebook Page New admission policy: $5 (or more) for kids & low income $10 (or more) for adults $15 (or more) for […]
3:00 to 5:00pm MAIN HALL: DANCE SING & JUMP AROUND “Children’s Traditional Contra Dancing & Singing Games”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesJoin the fun! Free for children Suggested donation: $5 per adult NO ONE turned away! Adults are encouraged to dance and play with their children- the more participation, the more […]
6-8:30pm Cafeteria “CCAC”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesMAIN HALL 10-2pm “VT Association for the Blind & Visually Handicapped”
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United States9:30-11:30am (cafeteria) KIDS TRADE & PLAY
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesThe MONTHLY Children's Clothing & Gear Exchange. 2nd Saturday, every month. Take what you need/drop off your gently-used kids' clothing & toys. Or just have coffee (or tea), socialize while […]