Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United Statesbaby shower
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesStuart Paton, Burlington Taiko Drumming (802-999-4255). 4:30 - 5:20 = Taiko Kids & Parents 5:30 - 6:50 = Taiko Adults 7:00 - 8:20 = Djembe Beginners Call for details.
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesFocused practice on transitions between combinations of steps and internalising the musical phrase. We will practice movement phrases of 32 bars in circle mixers and as couples. This workshop is appropriate for dancers who have basic knowledge of social/ partner dancing: ability to count musical phrases, have basic understanding of giving weight, and can pick […]
Montpelier Contra Exchange (Contra + Something Else!)
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesContra + Advanced Contra Maivish playing contras Peter Johnson calling contras Advanced contra teaching Every SECOND SATURDAY, dancers enjoy contras and SOMETHING ELSE. Live music and quality calling with patient instruction. Admission: $5-15.
Contra Dance – Luke Donforth calling to Dave Langford & Colin McCaffrey
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesSober Dinner Dance
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesDist 4 Alcoholics Anonymous
Sober Dinner/Dance Gala
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesAlcoholics Anonymous District 4
Solar Fair!
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesThe Grange Hall hosts a "Solar Open House" with alternative energy contractors and vendors displaying the many ways that you can increase your residential "solar gain". This event is free and open to the public! The following companies are already committed: Sun Common Real Goods Solar Catamount Solar Solar City All Earth Renewables Also present […]
Grange Meeting
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesTHE PUBLIC IS INVITED! Meeting starts at 5:00 PM, for this April meeting. Grange meetings are the monthly opportunity for members (and friends!) to discuss how our Community Grange is doing financially, and in our mission of community service through maintaining a community hall. We have a small amount of ritual marking the opening and […]
Contra Dance – Dave Eisenstadter calling to Heyday
Capital City Grange 6612 Vermont 12, Berlin, VT, United StatesHeyday is: Amy Larkin, Shirley White, Jonathan Larkin and George White