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MAIN HALL: Community Program: Insurgent Labor in VT
April 6, 2024 @ 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
In even-numbered months, we provide a “Community Program” of public interest. Generally, these include a presentation by a local organization of social interest, selected and presented by the Grange Lecturer.
Following up on a program last year with the current Executive Director, Liz Medina, for our April program we’ll hear from former VT AFL-CIO President David Van Deusen, seen below addressing a 350 Vermont rally in 2019.
Van Deusen is about to release a book, Insurgent Labor, which describes the trials and tribulations of bringing change to the VT State Labor Council (another name for the VT AFL-CIO). In 2019, he led a slate of candidates onto the Board of Directors, with the goal of creating a progressive and militant labor organization. His book chronicles victories during his 4-year tenure as President, including expanding union democracy into the rank and file and moving power away from single individuals and into democratic structures.
We hope you’ll join us for this discussion, which will follow a 30-minute Grange meeting and will in turn be followed by a Grange Community Potluck!
All are welcome to attend these FREE programs, in person or via Zoom
Those who wish are welcome to join us in person at the Grange Hall; we will be running the Room Air Filter Boxes to clean the air even with windows closed, as we expect they will need to be. Or, attend via Zoom!
Note: masks are optional for the Grange meeting, the Community Program and the Potluck dinner. Anyone is welcome to wear a mask! We ask that anyone who is feeling ill or has respiratory systems to please stay away until you feel well–we’ll be happy to see you then.
For this meeting, here’s the Zoom Link: (note that this link is only for the program–please see the separate Zoom link for the Grange meeting from 4:30 to 5:00)
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/ 82336677931?pwd= Q05rQlMvWDNJYkd1N005SDBMZGFhUT 09
Meeting ID: 823 3667 7931
Passcode: 884312
And remember–the program will be followed by one of the celebrated Grange Community Potluck dinners, from 6:00 to 7:00.