Waltz before the Contra Dance!
July 19 @ 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Join us for an all-waltz session, 7:00 to 7:45!
This night, we offer one of our special waltz sessions before the contra dance starts at 8:00. The same band that will play for the contra dance will set up early, and play waltzes, starting at 7:00. If you enjoy the waltzes that are traditionally the last dance before the break, and at the end of the contra dance just before 11:00, this is an opportunity to do some extra waltzing!
We ask for an additional payment of $5 for the waltz session, so we can pay the band and sound tech for extra playing and early setup, in addition to the usual contra dance admission.
Check the contra dance listing to see info about the band playing for the waltz session.
Waltz sessions: every other month!
We’re scheduling a waltz session in every odd-numbered month (January, March, May, July, September & November), before the 3rd Saturday contra dance! If this is too confusing, check the website Calendar, which will have all the info about all the dances. You can also sign up for the Montpelier Contra Dance email newsletter. We send out info about waltzes, contras, bands and callers a few days before each one. Sign up at: http://eepurl.com/dOBuVn
COVID policy note:
Waltzing and contra dancing are joyful and community oriented — and always involve some risk. We started making “mask optional” at our July 1, 2023, dance. As with all of our COVID policies, we ask that everyone be kind, gentle, and respectful with each other as we navigate this transition. We also want to be clear that everyone is welcome at our dance, whether or not you choose to wear a mask. You can read more about the reasoning behind this policy change here. Full COVID details at: capitalcitygrange.org/dancing/contradancing
What to bring: We suggest light, comfortable clothing — expect to wear short sleeves or a tank top, even in winter. Please bring clean, soft-soled shoes to preserve our floor. Bring a water bottle to refill at our water fountain/bottle filler.