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4:30 to 6:00: Grange meeting: in person AND via Zoom
July 18, 2020 @ 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
For the first time since we met on March 6th, we will hold a Grange meeting in the Grange Hall! We welcome everyone who feels comfortable joining us–with 6′ social distancing in place, and masks required! If you don’t want to travel to meet in person, feel too vulnerable to want to meet in person, or for any other reason, we’re also happy to have you via Zoom! This will be an experiment in “hybrid” meeting, so please be patient as we work through whatever bugs we encounter.
This meeting will be a “catch-up” meeting where we can find out how things are going with all Grange members and friends, and to discuss the current “rental” landscape and financial prospects. As you can imagine, the risks of the CoronaVirus make many of the regular rentals impossible–contra dances, weddings, parties, chorus rehearsals–all events which are full of direct contact, aerobic activities, full-throated singing, etc. We want to pool our knowledge to make the best of this very difficult situation.
We will also be looking ahead to the expiration of our initial 5 year tax exemption from Berlin property taxes. The Town of Berlin generously supported the Grange in 2016 by voting to exempt us from property taxes for 5 years. In return, we agreed to provide at least 2 free rentals per month to Berlin residents and Berlin organizations–which we have done. In 2019, we provided 44 free rentals! In addition, of course, we have continued to provide the community services which are the mission of the Grange. Before the 2021 Berlin Town Meeting, we will need to make sure that Town residents and voters understand the value of the continued good financial and organizational health of the Grange to the Town. Please join us for this important discussion!
We will not be able to hold our once-customary Community Potluck dinner following the meeting, but everyone who wants to bring separate “picnic” dinners is welcome to. We’ll figure out how to eat together safely, but socially. We want all Grange members and friends to keep in touch with all of us and all of your friends and family as we get through this strange time in the world.
If you want to join us via ZOOM conference–Here’s the log-in info:
Link to meeting: https://zoom.us/j/91894580413
Meeting ID: 918 9458 0413
Call-in number for phone access to the audio: 646-558- 8656
Note: this is set up as a recurring Zoom meeting, which we will use for as long as we need it. I will post this on the Calendar for upcoming months.