Capital City Grange: stepping forward!
We’ve made some great strides in the last year, increasing our visibility in the community, improving our energy efficiency, and improving our facilities as a community Hall.
At the end of this busy year, we thank the many people who have pitched in to get these projects started–and have stuck with them to get them done.
What is so important about these changes? It’s pretty simple–we are going to have a hard time surviving if we don’t improve our cash-flow. We have been losing about $2,000 per year over the last several years–as costs increase for heating, taxes, plowing and sanding, our rentals have not increased to keep pace. The good news you will find in this and the other Grange Notes is that we are making changes that will affect both income and cost sides of the ledger–how would you like to pitch in to help us make them happen?
At the end of this busy year, we thank the many people who have pitched in to get these projects started–and have stuck with them to get them done.
What is so important about these changes? It’s pretty simple–we are going to have a hard time surviving if we don’t improve our cash-flow. We have been losing about $2,000 per year over the last several years–as costs increase for heating, taxes, plowing and sanding, our rentals have not increased to keep pace. The good news you will find in this and the other Grange Notes is that we are making changes that will affect both income and cost sides of the ledger–how would you like to pitch in to help us make them happen?